Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

18o An Expojition upon the to Dearb. So jhall ye nor pollute rhe Land wherein ye arc; for Blood d4ilcrh rbe Land: .J}.n~ the L.(md cannor he clcanftd of rbe Blood tbat i.r fhcd tberein, h111 by rbe Blood of bunrbar /hedir. Bur in this Commandment not only the Prepaf>~tion of Munber, and the aElual Imbruing our H.ands in tbt: Blood of our Brother, is prohibited> buc likewife all Cau fCs a:nd Occafions leading to ir: As; Fir.ft, Envy ; which is the RUG: of a Cankered Soul, a Foul, Mt:agre, Vice rh.;n turns the Happincfs and Welt:m: ot ot hers into our Mifery and Tormen,t. Thu; Cain fitfi: envioutly rcpin'd at the Succtfs and Acceptation of his Brot her'~ SJcrifice, and this quickly prompted him to Munher. · Sct.:ondly~ Unjult and Immoderate Anger; which if it be fuffer'd ro lye f~fler. ing in the Hean will turn into the Venom of a perfeU Hatred. This is nor only a Caufe, bur a Dc~roe, of Mmrher \ <!nd as fuch it .is accounred by our S.:~viour, who is the Beft Expofi ror of the: Law, Jllauh. 5· 22. 10u bave beard tba1 it was fa id by them of Old Time, thou /halt not kill; but l jtl) ullto you, t h11t rohoftever is angry wahbis Brotbu tcizbout a Caufc is in d11nger f1j rbe ]Hd,gment,and whojoeve'r foall Jay unto his Br01ber, Racha, fool! be in danger of tbc Council; but ttJbofoevtr /hall fay, Thou Fool, /hall be in danger of Helljire. Which Palfage I have tormer· ly at large explain'd w you, and rhcrefOre I {hall ar preknr wave it. Now A11ger is not as Envy, fimply, and in irfdt, unlawful , for there may be d Veuuous Ange:r as well as Vicious; an i\ng~r thar m~;:rits PraHC and ComrAendation; and is fo fa r from being a Sin, that ir is a Noble and Generous Grace. To be mov'd with lndignarion for rhe Caute of Gpd, when his Glory is eclipfed, his Name dHhonoun:d, his Ordinances profaned, his SanCt-uary poll uted) his People vilified, [his is an Holy Anger, and may well lofe that Common and Vulgar Ap~ pellation of .Anger, and pafs under the Name of Z eal: Such was our Saviour's againft rhofe that defiled rhe Temple, ')'hen with a Miraculous Authoriry he whipp'd rhem our, and vindicated ·the Houfe of God umo .the Wodhip of God, from the Ufurpation of the God of this World, Mammon. And thert::fOre we find that Palfage, Pjalm 59· applied ro this 1\E\ion of Chr.ifl, The Zeal of rbinc liorifc bath eaten me up. So likewife, when by their Hypocritical Silence they feem~ ed ro difcoumenance and difallow the Curing cf a .Man on the Sabba1h DaJ, it is faid, l/e looked round about upon them with Anger, being griev(d for Jh( ifardnejs of their Hearts , Mark 3· 5· 2. Again, there is alfo an Innocent and Allowable Anger when we have jufl Pro. vocation unto it; for Religion doth not 'I.Hterly root out and deihoy tbe Natural Paff1ons, but only moderate and regula le them. We may b:;;: angry , but we muft QOt fin in our Anger ; Ephif.+ 26. B~an,gry, but fin not. And, X'A@- 3· There is a Vicious and Sinful linger, which is a Ra(h and Foolifh Pa ffion, ,;~~'"','- a than Phrenzy thar puts a Man for ~he pn:f~::m quire bdldes himfelf, and fo hn!~eam agitates the Spirits, thar rh~ Blood boils about tht: Hearr, and f~::nds up fuch ~~;ll,..a.t Sooty Fumes as darken che Unde1fianding, and deprh•e him of the Ute and BeoeJ)!-'711 Jtw:r- fit of his Reafon . ili~d i:m· The Two Ingredients t.hat make np Anger are Grief for fome Inj ury conceiv- . ed ro be done unto us, and Ddire ot Revenge, to dili:harge our Gall and Choler upon thofe that have wronged us i as if we gavt: our fdvc:s Ea1C by laying a Load upon others. And there are Two Things thac make Anger to he e\'il and finful. 1 . When it is without Caufe. 2. When it is without Bounds. Firjl, Caufiefs Anger is a Kind of Murther, when Men will fret and rage al· , though there be no Provocation at all given them. Some Mens Galls overfiow fo much, that upon every Trivia~ ~ccafioo , or perba~s when rhere is none, but only their own Umbrage and Sufp1cton1 they fly ou r mro Intemperate Speeches and Revengeful Afls, and are prefenrly all in a Fl-ame and Combuftion, when rberc is nothing to irritate them but their own.Cholerick Fancies ; like Clouds rhat break out in Thunder and Lightning, when all rhe Fire and Sulphur is bred only in theit own Bowels. Seo this Te!ly Spirit in J onab, who though be were an Holy yet it feerns by his Hiflory he was a very faffioriate, Man ; Fir!l, he is angry ' rMJ