Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

r . 5· /1 SermonPreiech'd)an. 3 I. 1669. But it is not my Defign to make a Panegyricl in magnifying Kingly Power; but rather to give fome infrruCl:ions concerning that Su.bmiffion and Obedimce which we owe unto it upon the Command of God. Never certainly was it more needful than now, rightly eo ftate how far, and upon what grounds we are obliged to obey the Powers that God hath fet ovcr us. Which poflibly we may gain feme Light to difccrn, by a through fifting of thefe following DiftinCHons. Firft? We ~null: difl:inguifh of Rulers: For they· are .either .lawful Magijlratts or • V[t~rpers. And blelfed be God, that we may now~ without danger, make fiteh a difl:intl-ion as this is. · Secondly; _As they, fo their Commands may be either lawful or unlawful. ThiYdiy; Obedience to their lawful Commands may be confidercd as due, Cithct in point of Prudence, or elfe in point 6f Omfcienr:e. • Four~hly; Obedience i~ point .of Con~i.ence, is either jt£fi1.Je in performing what ts reqmrcd ; or Pdjfi1.Je, m fuffermg what IS th~eatned. Out of thcfe Di/finEliom, [ fhall form feveral Propofitiom, refolutory (as I hope) to my Subject in h.1nd. Firft; Therefore,No SubjeCl:ion is due to an unlawful and ufurping fower, upon God's Omzmand and for Omfcimce [ale. Some of late Years who have been mighty loth to 4ifpute Titles againfl their prcfcnt Intereft and Advantage, have carneftly oppofcd this AJTcrtion : <:dUnning that ufurped Pcrrver, tho' it be 11;nlaw[ul in the .Acqu4ition, yet becomes fo f.1r lawfi~l ~-~cri ac~uired,_ ?S .to oblige Confcience it felf to . fhbmifllon. A.~range an~ aDfurd Opm1~n th~s; as tf tha~ became 1aw_ful by bemg acc_omplifl/d., wluch was wiCked and finful m bemg but attempted. Then mufl pro/perom 'YtckcdnCfs her.eafter be taken for Vcrtue; and the only way to juftifie a bad undcrtakmg, niu!t f~e to g~ through with it. No; It is not a rude, boift.ero"! Powfr'.. that m~y perhaps be like an Irrefifhble Torrent, and bear all <\own before It; It IS not t illS, but Right and Title that invefts a Magijlrate. Magiftracy and Authority, is too Sacred 11 Thin{ to be intaiFd upon the longeft Sword, and the ftrongefl Arm. And cer ta inly, if actnJI poffeffion of Sovereignty can make good any Vfurper's Title unto h, and make him the Power ordained of God, by the fame Reafon may any plead Title to your Honfcs and Eftates, who can either by force or fi'aud make entr y upon them. But yet as abfi.1rd as this Dotl:rine is, Scripture is alledged for it: and of all, that place is efpecially infilted. on, Rom. 13. 1. 7here Uno Power but of God; the Powerstbat be, are ordaimd vf God. Hence they coltea, That the 1.Jery Being ~r E.,:i/fmu of a Porrer, makes it the Ordinance of God, and obligeth even Omfciroce Jt fel( to Obedience.. Bnt here, it is not the Apoftlc's intent to aflht, that the .Being of a Power makes it la•.vful; but that thofe lawf ul. Powers that are, are Gcx:l. 's Ordinance andAplX>intmcnt. And this appea'rs. 1. Becaufc the word £'K~a, wh ich is here ttanOatcd Power, is not any where nfed in the New Teftament, but only to fignifie Authority, and a lawful Power. Yea, when the De1.Jil himfelf ufed. it, Luke 4· 6. He wou ld will ingly have had our Sav iOur underflood him in this fenfc. And not to infifl on this, the very notation of it from the Verb ~'~~. Licet, proves the only proper ufe of it to be for lawful Forcer. 2. This Pvwer which the Text fpeaks of, is filch as may not be rejifted. Whofoe1.Jc-r rcfijfct{J the Power rejifterh the Ordinance of God: l'!nd ~hey that refift, J!udl rccei1.Je unto. themfcl'IJes damnation, verfe 2. But now thJ.t Power wh1ch hath no·T1tle to Sovere ignty, be.fides prefent poffeilion, may be l:ewfully refifted, without the .fad doom of incn rring Damnation for.fo doing. :Vhat frequ:nt ! nftan~es ~ave we m the Book of :fudges, of the Revolutions of the /fraelires affatrs; Often m the Poffeffion, and under the opprcffion of their neighbouring King~ ti11 G~ raifed t~em up Deliverers to refcuc them from that Bondage and Slavery? They d1~ not thmk they were fo r Omfcimcc, or fo r God'sfake bound too.bey the uli.trping.Powet's they were at t.imes under. No, t hough t heir Ufhrpers mtght plead fomet1mes Twenty, fomct1mes •Fony Years prefcription to ftrengthen their Title. Not to inftance in all the par ticu lars I migh t, (for that would be too tedJOus) what fhall we think. of 'Jehoiada's Proceedings, not onlY in reftjli»g but in depojing, and putting Athal1ah to deAth. Clrari It . i ..,