Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

.11 Sermon Preach~d Jan. 3r.-·1·669. Nothing lefs :' * For thouglt almoft ev~ry City, _evety·V.illage,·~vto•y F!!PYY ;, ye•;; Si mim their Camps and Armies abounded -With C:hFifbans, as !J'ertullifln · '"'{itncf('e;th 1 In hts "DfltJ tJfi~~ .Ap!Jiogetick, Yet under all thofe_ favage an~ ~~barons Per.fecu~ions,1 ~hq_t _bn,tch~r'd ::~;~;;~::: them up like Sheep appointed tot~ Sla!Jghter, ~e n~v~r read · of. ~ny Infurrefjjon agamft w Greu/:11 the lawful Magiftrate. ., ~ ; ~., . ~~- ~i:-;! , "~IP"' .. ~- •zm v~t- • :- -.r J • • ••. • h.-1 ~ ·; •. r. • ~ '"mu, nt• tJ'tt ~U vi1 nmmrum & Cfpinll1tJ 1 Plll'ftS nimirum, M11~rl & M•mmlllfi.. _fjfiqf!! PIITtb~ ~· tbtl~a~.~t<4'Nnl11t'l11Ri11# ,•• 111111 [oci & fJWtm~fi"i.Jtm tmtts, '1"11* ttti111 orhis1 &ttrlti [tm~UJ1 & ""rH.ftrao'l'nlillltnplrvimru,, ra'rn, inf•ltMtajltllll, m~~nltipi•, umlliMu/11, tAjlr~• ipf•,_ tr)~~- ~t,fMI'ill!, p.J_t~ti•m . .Jf,Wttm, fwim~; .Jil• 'fJobindi'nlf'dmltt' t~pl• Cu~· bell• ""' id.nli, 111111.pr1mpti'fJUJ{elltftl, chamt•plll!mp•m, gru t11m lt6utn- trumliltmrr, .fi 1WI llf!•d 1fl1nn-tUJ.1pl!"'"n, ~11gu oc>)• dlliw•itqum«lllilre? Tcri:u i.Apol. .. • yflt:"> ·• '· ~ t • ,. . ' .r .,... ; ·r rl ~. ' + Nay the Fathers boaft arid glory of this.conqucring patit»C~ qf the Chri~i~n.~1 an<\ t Ciru ~halltnge the Heathen to produce at;y one I.n~nce.of a MUfiny Or &ditiofl.,: \9~etin a :::!tf:~. Chriftian was engaged. *. Notwlthftandmg thetr. vaft numbers that m}ght f!I~ke ...,,,:,/;,. them potent; . notwithftandmg t:hey we~e all Jwoted to Ruin an1 IJeft.rzlfzon, , ¥Yfuch f,.a1114mur 0 might make them defperate; and DefpaJr added to Power rnai:>es lt- mwncible ; .Y~f we t•mmttu"· . Iiead of no TuQlnltS, no Uproars, no Wars raifed by them in the State; fot. th!i: 1~·~ Alhi· feace and Profper.ity of "Yhi~h they pray.cd. dJ!,~; _and took ~he Sword r~thcr_in_to.~r;,~~~~'' ~~eir Throats . than_t~to thetr Hands: Nor was lt thei~· rvet}lod..to p_ropagaie C~nftta-v,f c.,j 11 • mtyand true Reltg1on, by any .other Bl~ .but their ,OW\};, .This ~a~. tht1 w~y by .wi, invmi· WhiCh ,the Primitive Cburch t}lnv~, which fent m,ore ytn::Ifhans to . Heav..en_; aq<J.p~ru:r~m. gained more to be Chrifi:ilns on Earth t~ . ..U ~~Cr ~~e _PO!hp .an~ Sple,np.our of It hath~h;:f~i.'~ done fince. . ._ , , , . .. , 1 • , St4pu/,nn. t!'"tlt G•ffii . & Nitri, & AlSi•i ~ 'llntit §•i illlu tiM111 l•um •Jjidntt C4111't'lfJ? Unk qsi fawi~ tj:u .tX!.ri,:nuli.s p•l4f: ;. um rxrrw# ?-Dt Rtm•"U, nif•/1,, Utfl, thrmsGhrijlttJni.s. Ten. Aeol· 'rfid.Aug. Jt,iv. Dp. J, :u.c~6 • Non JtU advtrfrnn tt, lmptr•:.,, ,mnJWit ipjt~, '!""' f•rtifJtm• tfi in ptr~tlljiJ_, , Jtfp~AJI~, T_mt}'f1~ "" prm•, &_ 11~ rt/jli'l'l'i!U . qut• mori m•gil qu•m vin{trt 'fXIflmtH 1 & imro,qrtts illtlrire 1 pttJm n1xii vivtrt pr110p~llm:~~. ExuJrriwlttrm~~ Tbtb.u {lpifu, i.d lbxlmini11J11. ' '• ·. This was the t~bc . Evangelical Spi~it, ,.;hich taught them .to obey ' their Magi· ftrates Commands in what was .lawful; and in what was othtrwife, .either pr.udently to avoid their rngc by flight, or patiently to endure it b)'ldying. They had ·not learn'd that Lirry, that the Saints are the only Lords of' the World; that all the Jdlgodiy (and all muft be fuch, whom they pleafed) were but Vfurpm ~nd lmruders · upon the"ir Rights: That they mufr Overturn, Overturn, OvertUrn, to make way for the Kingdoni of Chrift; intending, no doubt, to fet themfelves, one at hU right Hand; and another athiJ left, in that his Kmgdom. The Dotl:rine of the Gofpel taught them not thefc violent and rebellious Principles:; but it is as full of Ptace as it is of Purity; and inltrutted them to acl<nowledge ·their Magiftrates A~thority, to PI"'.Y for their Profpenty, to obey thetrCommands chearfi.Illy, or qUietly to fuffer Pumfu:mcnt .; and this, though they had a~undant Provocatio1~ .to refift: a:nd Probability of being fuccefsful. , " . · . . Muc~ more__ damn~ble therefore is it, ,when there is no fuch pnvocation •given; when Relition, and Fiery; and ']uftice, are only pretended; when Godly Princes difcharge their Confcience, and tlieirChriftian Duty in theGovernment committed unto them; much ~ore damnable is it; .~ . fay, yea_, damnable to the ut.moft degree of Damnation, for SubJeCts upon every whtmfital.Dlfcontent, to refift, 1mprifon, depofe, and murther them:. while they cheat and cozen the World with tHe Pretences of Saints; bnt do the Works of Devils. , And now had this DoB:rine been more preft, and mo;e ponder'd of late Yc:trs, we had not this day had tl!is fad occafion to .be humbled for the unpara!lel'd wicked· nefs of Yefterday. A day,1t was, that were It not It afforded us an opportunity to tefrify ollr :ibhorrency and detcftatiol\ of thlt bloody Villany it once faw, we might well wilh that the Year would skip it over; aRd imprecate.it, asJ,b dotli the day of bts Birrh_, 'Job'?· 3; 4· _Ltt th~tt day perijh, let it be darkriefs.,. let not God regard it, neither_ let the Lzght jhme upon Jt: let D~trkmfs~ and the JhaMw of Death ftain it, and a perpetual Cloud dwtll upcn ;,. A day that hlth brought an indelible Blot and infamy upon thefe Nation~ and made us a Re.proach and Scorn to the whole World. And ,what is worfe, 1t .hath expofed Rehg1o.n 1t felf to contempt and hltred, and made, it .a Reproach to 5~:orners, who wh1lft they faw thofe vety Men that.fo highly .pretendcd Reformation; ai,ld_the.Powe.r of.Godlinefs, imbr~w . their_H;mds in RfJyal and Satrcd JJiood, have beell ready to conclude, that to profcfs Religion, is nothing clfe but to 0 fee~