Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

48 A SermonPreach'd Jan ·; r. i669~ was no vilibie Power to bre::tk t\lem, he dafu'd them in pieces One againfi: the other, till they mutualiy brake themfelves. So Ju all thine EUemies peri)h\ Q' Lord; but let rhe KinJ rejoyce in. Goti, itnd joy in thy flrmgth; throu¥Ji the Mercy ofi:YJe inojf High, lu him tztvtr be mnJed. , . . .. · a. ' ' ' ., :t:<ow although it bath pleafed Almighty God-"'to bteak that Yoak"from off our Necks, and to fetus free from that Opprellio~ and Violence; Y~t we ought not only· to deteft, but bemoan the Outrages and'WlCkedn·elfes that w~re then committed; and feek to God, that he would avert-from us thofe Plagues and'Judgments which the guilt bf a part, may defervedly bring upnn .thefewhole Nat1ohs. For this is the .unQaJ?,pi.nefs of being link'd, though not in Cohfpicicy, yet in Natfonal Society · with . ·Evd~doers; that althbugh we firft fuffer . {i!t;m their Sins.p yet we tnay :J.ftCrwards fuffer for them. When but one Achan ha.J fi.nn'd; and lhat not fo l1einoully,~ as to make him either a Murtherer or a Regicide, Godcpunifuethtthe whole Camp of Ifrael for it, and ca.ufeth them to flee, and fall befor:e, their Enemies; JoiJl. 7· 1 t: J{rael hatb fmned, for theJ. h~We taAen.Of the accur[ttl.. 7bii1g, And have a!fo ftohn anti di((tm) b.t<d. it was but the Faa ofone privat.e Man, andyerGod charged~tupnn the wliole,. lfrael);ath finned, and they have takm. Such aMalignant lnfln,ence _hath the very COrn; mnn1ty with wicked Men, though we have no Gornmunion Witli their'Wickednefs 2 todilfufe Guilt and Judgments upon a whole Nation. r Believe-...it:;··mrnxt is a 'loud and crying Sin. The firft that was ever fpilt, was.heaid as fur .as fi'om Earth tO. Heaven ; GeiJ.. 4· 1 o. 7be Yoice of thy Brother' J Bkod CYJtth ro me from t~e Ground. Aftd, .j?roel. 6. 10. Thc&uls11ndet tbt ..tl.ltttr cry with a loud Voice, · H(!Wlong, 0 Lord, Holy and· 'Tnu·, dofl thou hot jwlge dtrd a:uenge our Blood oti them Which dwtll 011- the Earth l And if the Blood of pri•ate Perfons be fo audible ln G6d's Ears, how much more loud alfd> vocal is the Blood of a fiaughtered Mmarch! Efpecially, when the Blood, Oppreffi• . on, and Ruins of fo many thoufands as were involved in tl'!.e_ direful Confequences of that fatal Day, joyn theit;V.o~ces with it, affa~lt Hea~cri, and Cry aloU'd fo_r Vcnge.. ~nee. Let u5then cry mightily to,G?d, . that the.V01ceof our Prayers may be.lou4-er in his Ears, than the Voice of our Provocations : and let Us bY'onr Tears wafu away that foul ftain that lies upnn our Profeflion; and beg of God, that he wou ld pour out a .plentiful Effufion of the Bl"d of Chrijl, to cleanfc thefe Na'tions from the Guil.t o( Blood: for nothing lefs than the B/,d of God, which could expiate even for tj1e. lh<llding of it felf, can expiate for Jhedding the Blood of a· Ki•J• ' TO