Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

74 .lfn Expojition upon the cate his Honour, and thrurts himfelf between to receive thofe ftrokes which were aimed at God; and what he cannot prevent, or reform, that he bitterly bewails. This is true Zeal; and he that faith he loves God, a1td yet is not thus ze3lous for him, is a Lyar. Now try your Love to God by thefe things: Are your delires fervent and affec~ tionate after him? Do you find an holy Impatience in your Spirit till you enjoy him? \Viii nothing elfe content you but God? Can you fay, That there is noae in Heaven nor in Earth that you defire in cornparifon wifh him; and if the whole World were thrown into your boforns for your Portion, you would pluck it thence, and caft it at your feet, refoLving that you will not be put offwith fuch Trifles? Do you find a Joy fpringing and diffufing it felf through your hearts when you are en?;agcd in Commun ion with him? A fweet and potent Del ight, to which all the Pleafures of Sin are but flat and infipid. Are you jealous for the Lord of Hofl:s? Are your anger and grief never fo much kind.Jed for any Wrongs that are done unto you , as they arc for the provocations that are daily committed againft the great Majefty of He~1Ven? Canft thou mourn and weep for thefe in fecret, and if thou haft power and authority to do it, punifh and avenge them openly? Thou mayft for thy comfort conclude, that certainly God hath kindled this heavenly flame of Love in thy breaft; a flame that afpires Heaven~ward, and will at laft carry up thy Soul with it, and lodge it there where the Defire ofLove /hall be fatisfied, the Joy of Love perfeCted, and the Zeal of Love eternally rewarded. So much for the firft principal Duty required in this firft Precept, The Love of God. 2dly. Secondly, In this Command is required of us the Fear of God; for certainly, we cannot have the Lord for our God, nnlefs we fupremcly Fear and Reverence him ; yea, as Love, fo the 'Fear of God is made the Sum of all the Commandments, and mdeed the Subftance of all Religion : For although it be but one particular Branch and Member of that \Vorfuip and Service which we owe unto God, yet it is fi1ch a remarkable one, and hath filch a mighty influence upon all the r eil:, that oftentimes in Scripture it is put for.the whole ; and generally the Character of a true Worfuipper and obedient Servant of God, is given by this Periphrafis, That he is a Man fearing God. Now the Fear ofGod is either fervilc or filial ; and both area fhong Bond to Duty and Obedience. Thofe who are acted only by a Oavifu Fear, will beware how they ftir up the dread Wrath and fevere Jufi: ice ofGod againft themfelves, by any wilful Negletl:s or known Tranfgreffions. And how tnuch more thofc who are aCted by a Principle of filial and reverential Fear of God, who fear as much to offend, as to fi1fler for it; and to whom Mercy and Goodnefs proves as powerful motives of Fear, as Wrath and Fury: Yea, there is no Attribute nor Perfection in Cqd, but is \'cry 'Jin:~r rewrrntio~ eft re{ili· jnfJ:ly t~e object .of our Fear ;Jor where this Grace is true and gett~ " " 11tlitutlin! Dei "' virA- nu me, It works m us rather a.f:date awe and refpetl:: of God, a protcm pnpriAmpar A!tij1d 1. 1o. found Reverence and Refilltlon of the Soul, than any turbulent TrMI. 5· and tcmpeftuous Paffions of a Fright and Horrot1r. And certainly, if we acknowledge that there is a God, it is but reafon that we Ihould thus fear him according to his clfential Greatnefs and Glory: For take away the fear of a Deity, and a fuprerne Power, which is able to reward and punifh the Adions of Men, and you open a Flood~gate for all Villany and Witokednefs to rufh out and overflow the whole World. And where this reftraint ofFear is taken off from the Spirits ofMen, all Laws given to curb their Licentioufnefs, are of no more force, than Fetters of Air to chain up Mad-men; and therefore very fitly doth God injoin the Fear of Himfelf in this fi rfi: Command, as that which will feafon and difpofe the Heart to obey Him in all the reft. . 3dly. Thirdly, Another principal Pa~t ofWorThip required .in this firft Precept, is, The Invocation of the Name of God m our Prayers and Pra1fes. The two former, 1liz... Love and Fear, refpea the inward Worfuip of God in our Hearts, but this appertains to his outward Worfhip, and by it we give exprefs Teftimonies we both Love and Fear him: for Prayer and Praifes are the Tribute and Homage of.Religion; by the one we acknowledge our dependance upon him; by the other we own all our bleffings and comforts to be from him; and to one of thefe two, all ofexternal Wor~ Ihip may be referred. Certainly, fuch as neither pray unto God, nor praifc him, cannot be faid to haveaGod;for they acknowledgenone, but are Gods \lntothemfelves: For