Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

72 The Living Temple. Part II. its Iffue and Period. It being very in- cident to unexercifed, and lefs- atten- tive Readers, to tote their Thred, and forget the Scope of a Difeourfe, and fo fill have the Truth to leek, even in the midft ofit : And if what hath been hitherto faid, prove unfatisfying to any, that Juflice mutt be done to the Gayfe it Pelf, and to them, as to avow, it muff rather proceed, either from, .this infirmity in the Reader; or from the unskilfulnefsof the Writer to pro- pound things happily, and to advan- tage ; than either from the inevidence of the things themfelves ; or from want ofCapacity,even in anordinary .Jnder- flanding. Nor doth any Lindertaling Teem more feafible, or lefs to be del fpair'd of,than plainly and fatisfyingly to evince, to an unprejudiced Linder- ftanding that fhail attend, thefe. firí Foundations ofReligion, and a Tern- plc, viz. T%rat, Pod is And That he Coyrverfable with Men. is (Uch, as i$ capable and apt, to r receive lt/orfrpfrom them, and impart e 6. to tf cma