Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

82 The Living Temple. Part It not to be. But to be neceffarily, is to befo, as thatit could never poffbly but have been. That is, that what is neceffarily, isfornerchat offo excel- lent a Nature, as that it could never be out of Being. Nowwhat was e- ver of it felf, it was, in this Senfe, neceffarily, viz. fo, as that the Ex- cellency of its Nature was fuch, as could never permit that it fhould not be. Whence the Name I AM agrees peculiarly and always there- unto. Nothing can otherwife be of it felf: Not bymaking it felf,' which you have feen is impofl.ìble. But by an everlafling PoffefIìon of that Excellency of Being, which ex- cludes all poflibility of not being. It depends upon no one's Choice, or Power, whether that which is of it felf, (hall be, or not be. (4.) What bath thus ever been ne., ceffarily, gill is, and will ever be. Which is plain upon the fame Ground. What could never but be, cannever but be. For its Nature is filch, as whereto, not to be, is impof= fîble. Otherwife, if its Nature had not been filch, there being ncthing cite