Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part IL The Living Temple. S 5 I. That whatfoever is changeable or imperfecII, and capable of becoming more perfea, zs` not neceffarily, and of itfelf, without dependence on any thing efe. For what is of itf lf, neceffcri y, and without dependence on any o- ther, muff have whatfoever belongs to it, all at once. For from whence íbould any Addition, or Change, happen any way to it ? Net from any other, for it no more depends on another for Addition, than it is lia- ble to diminution by another, being - what it is, necefarily, or from it felf; for nothing can impart, or add what it bath not, and what it bath was in it before, and was in it ne- ceffarily, and therefore unalterably, and without poflibility of any Change. Now you know this vifîble World is continually changing, and in an imperfe& State. And we may add, That there is fomewhat invlfible, of whofeprefent Being we are certain, that was not of itfelf ; and that did not make this World. For inflance, G3 we