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86 The Living Temple. Part IL we are certain, of theprefent Being, ofour ownMind andSpirit, which we cannot fee with our Eyes, but, by Self-refleúion we are fore we have fornewhat in us, that can think. Nor is there any thing, that comes under our immediate, certain Ob- fervation, more excellent than Man hinsfelf, efpecially his Mind, and Soul. And do you not your felf know, and find how changeable, in- digent, and imperfect that is ? there- fore, you may be fure it is not of it ,M or the Maker of this vifible World. If all theMen in theWorld fhould joyn all their Wit, and Pow- er, together, which way would they go to work to make finch a World as this ? Yea, or even to make one fingle Pile of Grafs, or Grain of Sand. Which way can you devife then, it should make theSun or Stars, cr finch an Earth as this ? It is plain then, that all this World had a Maker diftin& from it felf 2, I hatfoever Being is of itfef, is more excellent than what is not of it Poi(' This you cannot but affent to, at