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Part IL Te Living Temple. 99 If it were . ííi11 a doubt ( after all that V. Bath been formerly faid for the reafon- ing. out of thefe things) whether the Deity be one only, or manifold ; whe- ther the World had but one, or had not many. Makers And fo, whether there be no danger of mifapplyin1- our Religion, or of ` mi I ating the Objeh of our Wor, ip. This word plainly tells us, There is but one God the rather; of Cur. 8., whom are all things. That He is Cod, j. r 45 and there is none elfi. And that, how -2I, 22. ever, there be three that bear witnefs in Heaven and the . f ai;p of whofe .NameMat. 28, is, in our Baptif t, d f inc ly and fo- i Joh. > lemnly put upon us ; yet (as in many other Infiances, that may Le in force refpe&,three which in fome other re- fped is but one) without theunneceffa- ry, punaval, Declaration, how, there are three,':and how', but one, it expref- ly tells usi theft-three' are one. And if it be yet a doubt with us, (its whidi the .Reafonings of fome may be too fhort to determ ne, and refolve them) whether this one God, be fo ab- folutdy, and every way ierfea, as to