Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

100 The Living Temple. Part IL beAhcient for us all : Whether he can underjland all our Concernments, relieve us in all our NecefIities, hear our Prayers, fatisfy our Defres, receive our Acknowledgements and Thanksgiv- ings, and take notice with what love and.fincerity, they are tender'd unto him ; or, ifhe can do for us according to our Necefiit.ies, and reafonable De- fires ; whether we have any Ground to believe that he will. This word of his plainly allures us, Gen.i7.r, that he isGod-all fufcient 5 that he bath all,firinefs in him. It often reprefents him to us, under the name ofthe Lord God Almighty. Tells us, That he can do every thing, and that he doth what- foever it pleafeth him. It tells us his Z3nderf anding is infinite, and particu- larly affures us, that he fearches the _hearts of Men, and tries their Reins, that they cannot think a Thought, or fpeak a Word, but he underftands them afar f, and knows them altogether. That his Eyes are upon all the Ways of Men that he knows all things, and therefore knows if they love him. And