Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

162 The Living Temple. Part IL ed, but a1Co (once and again) that God is Love, that we might underftand him as a Being, not of more glorious Excellency in himfelf, than of gracious Propenfons towards his Creatures. And left it íhould be thought our mean- vejs fhould exempt ub, and put us beneath his Regard. We are told, He taketh care for Sparrows, he hear- eth the Ravens when they cry ; and rfa. a45. generally, that the Eyes of all wait upon him, and he gives then their Meat in Seafon ( which even the fa. I04-.Brute Creatures are emphatically fail to feek of God) and that he opens his Hand, and fatisfzes the Dire of every living thing. And, befides what he bath fo ex- preily teflify'd concerning his own Nature, his favourable Inclinations towards Men, might fufficiently be col l eC}ed , from that very Nature which he hath given to Man, con- fidered in Comparifon, and Reference to his own. That he made him in his own Image ; and that he being the Father of Spirits, hath placed a Spirit in Man, fo agreeable to his own