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Part II. The Living Temple. 117 into the Account that hath the leafs of Perturbation in it, without excepting fo much as Mercy it feif, or Pity to- wards them that fuffer unjufily ; and yet feemn to fubjeft all things to Fate, and Natural Neciiffity, whereby all thefe Evils in the Mind ofMan, would be rejected upon the HolyGod, as their Original Caufe. Whence, therefore, fome that were And the' more fober, have made it their Bufi-in ,what .nets to vindicate Gad, from fo horrid follows an Imputation ; and one of much Note they are animadverts upon the Miftakesof filch, It arréP ar as feem'd fo to charge him, {harply laying' all blaming them for fuck an Intimation; the Evil:, but more fharply (quarelling others, in World, his own dubious Twilight) for the Ex- (moral nell as o, ther) upon God and Nature. This Teems to have proceeded fromfome lavi/h Speeches ofChryfppus, that jufllyfell under the Reprehen/lonof Plutarch's feverer and more found judg- ment. Tetfurely they did*pole another, and purer State ofNature, out of which Man was lapfed ; otherwife, howcome they, when they affign the common Notion of vicious Perturba- tion or Pafon, to call it an irrational and [ ucd 1, v x,'pn7r] preternatural Motion ? What Nature is that, which it is f p- pled tofwerve from ? Be fides that, they conf antly call the fe Difeafès of the Soul, therefore they underfood them not to he its very Nature : For then what were the difeafcd Sub./ea ? i%or could it agree with that known Dogma oftheirs, that Ver- tue is d)d'04, 71, A thing to be taught, if they (hold fup_. pofe, Vice, in thatfenfe, natural. Arad indeed, that 13144 9 t2iCe