Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

118 The Living Temple. Part IÌ. tarch in- cure they give of it, titles that Viz. That God cloth 'A,,` 3 Sedv xo? Book he Tà ry ono 7rns, x"xí bath a- what they attribute to 4, , comet i going him in this Matter, KoAàoei .rrJv vasrq them,7'eAfor the Punifbment of rolxan, wicked .Men. Ailed{{p t7 v 4tio dI v i To 7y V4e9tt! 7'MV xa* Argues, ing it were a grievous xxv x, xo>,oíOai they in- Matter that God fhould xccl à r mf °I"(:9'` tendednot Plutar. de Repug- the grofs I/Vill, and Revenge the nan. Stoicoruln. .things befame thing, that Wick- refutes , ednefs fhould both be, and be p:tnifhec for noman according to the Mind ofGod. intends Contradi- Glion to him elf. And lince no Man can hold Goth parts of 4 Cgntrad1E ion, it is candid tgfuppofe they would have cho e rq- Cher to let go thQ rtorfer part. Some do, with great Re, ei fw 7tw 4107.,);? verence of the Divine Maje- is é;'oír. x "'" fty confers the rift of all gel Ti 7iNespf, 'ivotla t oZ9veía Al's' this 1,vll, to be from Man $ "'1i"° n`-" himfelt, V. even that fort vs àvuil' -, Max. Tyro ubi iupra, of Evil, wlpch is called by the name of Wickednefs, is, raid to be from an innate Principle, which the Arbitrary Power of' a Manic oron Soul hatcheth and foflcrs, and the 'Fault is his who admits it ; but God is aultlefs. That God did place the Soul over a terrcre Body, s a C hariotecr over th r yrn a Ch4ri <,t, +rtich rt rim f)t gov.rn ot° r eg