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26 The Living Temple. Part II. and forfaken of it. And (becaufe in Breaches and Dìfagreements Man bath the firft Hand and Part) we than there- fore treat, Firfl, Of the (.Jiiaptnef, of Man in his State of Apottacy, to entertain the Divine Prefnce, or be any longer God's Tem- pie. Secondly, Of the Ble`fed God's a6- f nting himfelf, and eflrange- ment from him hereupon. I. That the Spirit of Man, by his having Apoftatiz'd, became unfit to an- fwer the purpofesofa Temple, will too plainly appear, by considering the na- tureofthat Apoflaey ; which, what was it but a fevering himfelf from God ? a Recefs andSeparation ? Not in refpe& of Place, (which was impoffible) but the temper ofhis Mind and Spirit 5 or not by a local Removal ; but by 2nfiti- tablenefs, and Difaffe&ion, departing inHeart from the Living God.. 'Tit