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Part II. The Living Temple. I 3 3 2. Whence it comes to pafs, that Man is moll: difaffeeled to God, and full ofEnmity. So Scripture tet:ifies concerning the carnal Mind, Rom. 8. 8. And whombefore it bad reprefen- ted (Chap. 2d.) full of all Malignity, it afterwards fpeaks of as directing it (aloft horrid. to think !) againé this blefièdobjed, Haters ofGod, Defpite- ful, &c. Nor is,ary thing more na- tural. For, in part, the Contrariety or their Natureto his, more immediate- ly begets this Enmity, which always rites out of Dijf militude, and partly it is fomented, and increafed to a greet degree, by a fecret Confcioufnefs of that Dimilitude, and the Mifgivings of their own guilty Fears, thereupon,. Which mull: tell them,' whenfcever they have fo much Communication with themfelves, that they.are unlike, and cannot but he unpleating to him ; and this infer:i fame kind of Dread. Whence (as ilath been commonly ob- ferved) the paf£age is Mort and eafy unto 1-Hatred. And tho' the more poji- tive Workings of this Enmity .do not (perhaps with the moll) fo ordinarily dif.:over themfelves. And they do not X let IX.