Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part 1I. The Living Temple. i 39 And Bra, that he bath withdrawn himfelf, and left this his Temple defo- late, we have many fad, and plain Proofs before us. The (lately Ruiner are vifible to every Eye, that bear in their l ront (yet extant) this doleful Infcription : oat 0D73 once tin*. Enough appears of the admirable Frame and Strurure of the Soul of Min, to thew the Divine Prefence did fome- time refide in it, more than enough of vicious Deformity, to proclaim he is now, retired and gone. The Lamps are extinct. The Altar overturn'd. The Light, and Love are now vanifht, which did the one Thine, with fo bea. venly Brightnefs, the other burn, with fo pioru fervour. The Golden Candles flick is difplac't, and thrown away, as an uielefs thing, to make room for the Throne of the Prince of Darknefs. The Sacred Incenfe, which fent rowl- ing up in Clouds its rich Perfumes, are exchanged for a poifonous hellith Vapour, and here is, inflead ofafweet Savour, a Stench. The comely Order of this Houfe is turn'd all into Confu- lìon. The Beauties of Holinefs, into noifo;n Impurities. The Houfe ofPray- er, to a .Der o f 'Ti ieves, and that of the worft