Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

38 The Living Temple. Part 1I. be imputed to nothing elfe, that They who have God fo near to every one of them, who live, and move, and have their leing in him, do not yet fiek after him, and labour to feel andfind him out. i.e. That they can mifs of God fo nigh at hand, when they have even palpable Demonftrations of his near - nefr, and kind propenions towards them. Now this being the Cafe; what ever this degenerate vile Creature might ferve for, elfe, he was, plainly molt unfit for the 'life of a Temple ; or to be the Dwelling-Place ofGod. 2. Nor can it now be a wonder that the Divine Prefence íhould be hereup- on withdrawn,that the bleífed God ab- fents himfelf, and is become a Stranger to this his once beloved Manfion. We shall here take notice how apparent it is. I. That he bath done fo. 2. That he was moft highly juftiitible herein, And