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Part ll. The Living Temple. 145 It was a moft delec`lable and pleafant State, to be feparated to the Entertain- ment of the Divine Pretence : That as foòn as Man could firft open his Eyes, and behold the Light and Glory Ofthis New-made World, the great Lord and Author of it, Ihould prefent liitnfelf, and fay, Thou (halt be mine. How grateful a Welcome into Being ! Thee, above all my Works, which thou be- holdeft, I chute out fOr my feif. Thine Employment thall be no labori- ous, painful Drudgery ; unlefs it can be painful to receive, the large Commu- nications of immenje Goodnefr, Light, Life, and Love, that {hall, of their own accord, be perpetually flowing in upon thee ! Whatfoever thou efpieft l elides, that is even moll excellent and pleafant to thy Senfe, is yet inferiour to thee, and infuhìeient for thy fatis- faetion and higheft Delight, and but the faint fiadorr of that fid f antial fui- nefs, which I my felt will be unto thee. There Was, in all this, the free and moft condefcending Ilouth(aferne it. No necej zty could urge the f iff ficicrtt Good to affeEt Onion and Fan:itiaritt with its own Creature. L Alo ' 1