Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part IL The Livino; Temple.' Confequent, but that they ate all Ti- angles of one kind ? Which who, in his right Wits, will deny ? And, if the At- tribute of a Subfiance be that,. which confii- f i itdes its Una 5 the Attribute of any thing elfe, is that which conftitutes its Effence. See then how far Spinofit hath advanced with his Demonfiration of the Identityof Suyiance! Ifhe prove not all Subflance to he numerically the fiime, he bath done nothing to his purpofe. And 'tis now cbvious to every Eye how effe- th-dIy he hath done that. When alto it is, further, equally evi- dent,, his Demonftration dwindles into nothing. And gives nòSupport to His 6[11. Propojition (which contains the malignity of his whole Defign) viz. [That one Alliance cannot be prcduc'd, by another Subflancell which tefts (as you lee) partly upon the 5th. [That there can- not be two Subflances ofthe fame Attribute] which, in his Senfe, is, as hath been {hewn, mof abfurdly Falle, and the at- tempt of proving it as abfUrd s partly upon his 2d. [rhat two Subflances, of different Attributes, have vothingCommen between them] which might be laid of whatfOever elfi as truly as of Snbfiances but which is alfo mof evidentlyuntrue - and partly, upon his 3d. [That ,fild' C 2 t.:.);77gi 9