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22 The Li'inó 'Temple. Part II. ter and Form Internal, and ingredient in- to the Nature Of Things, and therefore Only pit to be put intoDefinitions, were thought' y him miitaken, and out in their Reckoning, it was, however, nei- ther modal, nor wife, tQ lay down, for anAxiom, a thing fo contrary to the Còmmon Sentiment of Pviankind; and, without the leaft Attempt to prove it, go about to dernonfrate by it, in fo por- tentozi' a Cauf ; and lay the whole weight of his horridCaufe upon it; ex- ' pe&ing all the World fhould'" be aye d. in- to an Affent, by the Authority of his bare word ; and not prefunie to disbe- lieve, or doubt it, only Lecaufe he is pleafed to ftamp theMagifferial Nan)e of an Axiom upon it If, therefore, any Man affume the Bold_nefs to deny his Ax- iom, what is become of his De, onfrati- òn ? And whereas it is commonly appre- hended,' that Definitions are net of .indi- tiidual Things, but of Special Kinds, and Prop. aq is atknovledg'd by him eif, 1 hat the Effinceof things produc'd by God, involves not Exifente " and the Production of a thing, Li nothing elf , but the putting it in- to anal Exiflence ; why may not the abfiraCtiTenCe, or Nature of things, he Well enoúgh conceiv'd , and defin'd, widheut involving the Conception of their Pro-