Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

i Part II. The Living Temple. 3 figning the Overthrow of Religion, he overthrows his own Defign ; I (hall not let pafs what he fays, in Demonftrating his t 2th. Prop. [That no Attribute ofSub, fiance, can b truly conceiv'd, from which it mayfollow, that Subftance can be divid- ed.] How he proves it byProp. 8. and after by the 6th. I fhall not regard, 'till I fee thole, Propórfions better prov'd. But that Which I, at prefent, remark, is, his Argument from Prop. 5th. [That if Sub., fiance could be divided, each part muft confrft of adiferentAttribute 5 and fo, of one Subftance, many might be conftituted. A fair Confeffion, that many Attributes will conflitute many Subftances. And himfelf acknowledges many Attributes of Subftance, Def. 6. and Prop. i r. And therefore, rho' he here call this anAbfur -. dity, 'tis an Abfurdity which he hath, ins evitably, now faften'd upon himfeif, having hereallow'd, plainly, the Confe- (pence (as was above promis'd to be 'hewn) that ifthere be diverfity of Attri._ butes, they will conftitute a diverfity ofSub, fiances, which it was before irnpoffible to him todifallow, havingdefin'd an Attri- bute as was formerly noted) to be that ref, . which conftitutes the Effence of Subftance. Therefore, his. whole Caufe is here, fair, lygiven away for his onp Subftance is fQ YF