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38 The Living Temple. Part IY. XII. Eut that the Sub(lance of things, whofe Efnce involves Exifence, and whofe E, fence involves it not, íliould be one, and the fame exceeds all won- der I One would think, fo vaftty differ- ent Efnces of Subftance, fbould, at leaft, make different Subfances; and that, when Spinofa bath told us fo exprefly, that an Attribute of Sub- fiance conftitutes the Efnce of Sub- fiance ; and that all the Attributes of Subfance are conceiv'd ; the Conception of the one, not involving the Conception of another ; and fo do moil really differ from each other, and make fo many Efences, therefore, of Sub(}ance really diftinEt ( though he once thought otherwife of the Di- vine Attributes, that they did only differ from each other ratione, and that God was a most Simple Being, which he alto takes pains to prove R. D. Cartef Princip. Philof. Ap- pend. part. 2d. Cap. 5. pag. 117, 118. ) one would furely hereupon think, that fo vaftly different Attri- butes, as neceffary Exifionce, and con - x3 agénf, fnould confiitute the moll difj erent