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Part H. The Living Temple. different Subfiances imaginable. For what is an Attribute ? Id pled in- telleL/us de fubfantic percipit, tan- quam ejus efféntiam Conflituens. (Def. 4.) Now the Effence of force Sub- fiance, the underftanding moll: clear- ly perceives, as involving Exiftence in it; Exiftence, therefore, confti- tutes the Effence of filch Subftance; and is therefore an Attribute of it. Some other Efnce, it, as clearly, per- ceives, that involves not Exiftence. Now this fort of Effence is. the At- tribute of fomewhat? And of what is it the Attribute ? Why, he path told us, An Attribute is what the un- derftanding perceives of Subftance as conf ituting its Effence , therefore, fome Subftance path fuch an Effence as involves not Exitence. Now let it hereupon be confider- ed, ( albeit that I afe& not to give high Titles to any Keafonings of mine) whether this amount not to a Demonfiration againft the Flypo- thefis of Spinofa, and the ref( of his way, that all Subftance is fellexi- ftent ; and that, even upon their own Principles, and Conceffions, to fre- qtaently acknowledging the World D 4 to 39