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Part II. The Living Temple. 4. IfMatter be, 'asfilch, an indepen- dent, felt- originate Thing, then every part, or particle of Matter muff be fo. And then, let filch Matter be fuppofed to fill up infinite fpace, we {hall have an infinite number of independent enti- ties, co-exifting for ever. For afinite number cannot replenith infinite fpace, or let it be fuppofed (more agreeably to the pretended Sentiments ofthis Au- thor) confin'd, within the limitsof the formedCVniverfe 5 andhowunreafc na- bly is fuch a thing, as independent Mat- ter, fuppofed to be of it felf, limited to one fpot of immenfeface! For let the Vniverfe be fuppofed finite, tho' never fo vaft, it muft yet be conceived but as a minutefpot, to the infinite um- bounded vacuity that lies without it and which, yet, he feems to acknow- ledge replenifht with theDivine Being. Now let a Man fet hirnfelf to confider, and try how eafy it will be to his thoughts, to conceiveone little Porti- on of boundlefs Space, taken up with a mean Being, next to nothing, that is of it felf there ! and cannot but be there, and no where elfe, impofedupon the infinitely perfect Being ; the All-wife E 4 and 55