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0 4 6o The Living Temple. Part II. And therefore his high Rant againft Pag. 47, Spinofa (in this Point more Orthodox 48. than himfelf) That he confounds in his Philofophy, Being and Perfe(Jion [Pre. tendant que, ce qui.e.s , 6. ne renferme aucune negation d etre, ell uneperfecti- on, &c. Pretending that whatfoever is, and includes not in its Notion any Nega- tion of Being, i.? a Perfeúion, &c.] is vain, and as much without caufe, as what he . afterwards fays about it is without fenfe : For he adds, Thatfor his part hefinds nothing morefalf or extra- vagant ; and why .fo ? Becaufe then, pain, andfurrowmull be reckon'd among Perfections, and:filch real Perfections as are worthy ofGod, or a Being infinitely perfect. And upon this, he triumphs over filch Men, as Supplanters of the Deity, infleadofDefenders offo great a Being, and a hewing foil their Senfes, and their Reafon, &c. But ifhe had not loft his own, and abandon'd himfelf to thatfury and rage of lnfolence, which he there imputes to his Oppofers; he might have been capa- ble of fo much calm, and fober Confi- deration, as to have bethought himfelf, that among Creatures, a fenfe of pain, deal griefand ferrow, correfpondent to their