Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

•. 85 mission he had from his majestie. My lord told him he had one, but he had left it behind. Mr. Hutchinson replied, that my lord'~ no blood shed, and I am confident your lordship is so noble and tender of your coon· try~ that it would very much trouble you, to have a hand in the first man's blood that shou ld be spent in this quarreL N. Cousin, it cannot come to that, feare it not, (th is was spoken very slightly and contemptuously), his maiesties occasions are urgE:nt and must be serv'd. - (\Vith that, the country came very fast up, which when the cavalier captaines saw, they slunk downe). 11. Why then, my lord, I must plainely tell you, not on~ here but will loose every drop of blood in hi s body, before he will part with one corn«:f of it, without your lord- 'hip can shew either a command or a request for it unde r his maiesties hand and seale, or tbat the count ri e be cnll'd together to give the ir free consent to it, for we have all propertie and interest in it, being members of thi s county, and it being bought with our money, for til e particular defence and safetie of the same. My lord desired to borrow part of it, Lut that being deni ed, he turned to Sr. John Digbi e and took him to the window, where, afte r he had whispered \Vith him a while, Sr. John Digbie laid downe his pen, inke , and paper, with which he bad been taking an account of the pouder, match, and bullet. The countrymen desired my lord aloud, that he would no t take away their ponder, out of the country; upon which, turning to them, h e thus spoke - " Gentlemen, his maiesty was assured by some of the cheerfu l lnesse of this country's affect ions to him, which I am very sorry to see so much failing in~ and thin the cougtrie should come so much short of this towne, which hath cheerfully lent hi s ma iestie one barrel! of ponder, but it seems he can have none from you; 1 pray God you Uoe not repent thi:s carriage of yours towards his maies tie, which he must be acquainted withal !." A countryman, s tanding forth, asked his lordship this question, u ' Vhether, if he we re to take a iourney into a place where p1:obably he might be set upon by thieves and robbers , and having a charge about him, if any fri end should aske him to lend his sword, he would part with it and goe himse lf without ?'' M"y lord, the case is ours, our wives, childt('ll, and estates, all depend upon this countries Shfetie; and how can it be sa fe in these dangerous t imes , when soe many troopes and companies passe through and CO illlllilt outrages and abuses among us, if we have not armes and puuder wherewii\1 tu defend u:-;? .My Lord made no re plie, but bade the men whom he had employ'd to weigh up the pouder desi';:>t; and soe went downe the staire:;. :Mr. Hutchinson follow'd him, and