Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

86 affirmation was satisfactory to him, but the country would not be willing to part with their pouder in so dangerous a t ime, without an as he went, an auncient gentl eman, who was with my lord, whose face and name were both unkuowne to him, came to him and sayd these words:-" Stand to it, I' ll warrand you, gentlemen, it is well done." And as they pass'tl through a low· roome, my lord took'e Mr. Hutchinson asi d e, <lnd sayd , N. Cousin, lmust acqu~1int the king with this! II. l\'Iy Lord, it's very likely you must, bei ng employ' cl upon hi s maiestics service, give him an account. N. Nay cousin, (smiling), I mcane not soe, but I must acqtJn int" him) and I am sorry I must, tha t you arc the head and ringleader of a faction, whe reby you hinder his maiesties se rvi ce . 1!. !\·ly Lord, I doe not conce ive how thi s can be a faction, I speak ing only, out of the nobl e res pect and honor [ beare your lordship, in private to you, to prevent a misch ie fc, the sence of these men, who I perceiv 'd were come to know by what authoritie, and \V by, their pond e r, which is their prope r goods, and o nly means of safetie, in these t imes of danger, should be taken from them; and if it were a thct ion, I am not the head of it, I, accidentally coming to towne from Sr. Jobn ll iron's last night, and neither know ing nor imagining any of this businesse, was this morning importun 'd to waite on your lord ship, at the town 's hall, by many countrymen, who inform'll me you were taking away their poud er out of the country. N. Cousin, if you cun answer it, I shall be g lad of it: but I'll assure you I must let his mai estie know. H . If his maiestie must know it, I am '1ery h appy I spoke to none but your lordship; who, [ am confident, is so noble that you will neither adde nor diminish ani ething to my preindice, and then I am confident the iustnesse and reasonab leness of what I have say'd, with my own innocenci e in speaking it , will beare me out. N. I, cousin, but your name is up alreadie. 11. It may be soe, my lord; and I believe those that sett it up had no good wishes to me, and as it rose, soe, in the name of God, let it fal l; for I kn ow my owne cleare.. .nesse and innocencie in ani etili ng that can be obiected aga inst me. N. Well, eousin , well; I am g lad of your good r<:. so lution . And so my lord left hi m. T he gentlemen of the country that were there, upon consideration, what they should d~e with their pouder, determin'd to re turne my lord thanks for sparing it, and to lock it up with two locks, whereof the she rifl"e should have one l.;:ey, nnll the mayor another: which accordingly was done; but 1\h. Hutchinson en me no more at my Jorcl .