Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

115 I have bene a little tedious in these descriptions, yet have spoke11 very little in comparison of what the truth would beare ; indeed such assistants as these were enough to· disgrace the best cause by their ow·ning of it, but the truth of God, being above the testimony of men, could neither receive credit from the good, nor discredit from the worst men : bu t they were not all such, who first offer'd themselves to carrie on the Lord's worke with him of whom wee chiefcly treate. There was then dwelling at Nottingham a third sonne of the Earl of Kingston's, a man of good natural! parts, but not of education according to his quallity, who was in the maine well affected to honest men , and to righteous liberty; a man of a very excellent good nature, and full of love to all men; but that his goodnesse receiv'd a little allay by a vainc-glorious p ride, which could not well brooke any other should on ts trip him in virtue and estimation. ' Mr. Fmncis Thornhagh, the eldest sonne of Sr. Fmncis Thornhagh, was a man of a most upright faithfull heart to God and God's people, and to his countrie's true interest, ~omprehended in the parliament's cause; a man of g reater vallour or more noble daring fought not for them, nor indeed e1·cr drew sword in any cause; he was of a most excellen t good nature to all men, and zealous for his f1·iend; he wanted councelJ and del iberation , and was sometimes too facile to flatterers, but had iudgment enough to discerne his errors when they were represented to him, and 11·orth enough no t to persist in an iniurious mistake because he had once entertain'd it. ' Mr. Pigott was a very religious, serious, wise gentlen 1\llr. Francis Pierrepont, who will frequently be mentioned again in the course of the story, when it will be clearly seen tha t 1vlrs. 1-ILJtchinson here speaks with candour, or rather favour, of him, though he was her husband's opponent~ ° Colonel Thornhagh is often ment ioned by other writers, and always with prai se in hi s mil itary capacity, in which only be was known to the public . lVIrs . Hutchinsou here delineates with a masterly hand a frank, open, unsuspe~ting, amiable soldier . The family of Colonel Thornhagh continued to flourish in the county of Nottingham