Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

94 Che.OÍfp1ap of fozÍoïlo 5zacc+or, Madnefs, and having Enmity in his Mind km/.8.7, against God, Being alienated from the Life of God : jefus Chrift, as our Surety, engaged to change the Hearts of all he undertook for, and bring them to accept of Terms of Peace, through the Blood of his Crofs ; I fay, he in- gaged to God to bring home all that were gi- lah.10.16 ven to him. Hencehe Pays, Them Imuff bring, and they (hall hear my Voice : He muff bring them becaufe of the Covenant he had made withGod the Father; and upon the Coníidera- Lionof that Obligation, he laid himfelf under, as their Surety. He muft Circutcife our Hearts Pet.3.i8 to love the Lordour God ; for Chrift alfo bath once fuféred for Sins, the `'uft for the Vnjuft, that he might bring us to God. Fromhence it appears, that Chrift byvirtue of thefe Articles of Peace, as our Surety, en- gaged to open Blind Eyes,and tobring the Pri- Ifa. 61,1 i. foners outof thePrifon -houfe, and to fet at li- berty thofe that were 'bound ; or by theBloodof f his Covenant, tofind the .Prifoners out of the Pit, where there was no water ; for this was agreed should be the Effeas of his Undertakings : See Zech. y. T . Luke4. 18. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, becaufe he bath Anointed me to Preach the , Go f el to the. Poor ; he bath fent me to heal the Broken-hearted, to PreachDeliverance to theCap- tives, and recovering of Sight to the Blind, and to fit at liberty them that were bruited. He en- gaged to take away the Heart of Stone, and to give us a Heart of Eleih, to give a new Heart for this the Father promifed in the Covenant, and what he promifed Chrift ingaged to do for