Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

142 Mat. 16. 26. kf ,fijHS 20. 29. ebcDífpiapof etD2ÌDtto cfN10E + 4r, Lives, their Blood too much, that fo 'they might fee the Travel of Chrift's Soul ; I mean, Sinners reconciledunto God, or Chrift'sBlood by Faith fprinkled on. their Hearts : Many like the Minifler's Dignity, but few like theirWork and Duty. My Brethren, it is a great Trust that is committed to them. z . The Chargeof the Souls of Men thatAre more worth than all the World, is committed tothem. í. The wonderful Worth of Gofpel Veri- ties, Truth is a rich Treafure ; We have this Treafure in Earthen TTef Fels, this is committed to them. 3. 'Tis the Ambafly of that Peacewhich was made by the Bloodof the Son of God, that is committed to them. q.. The Charge of the Church of God, which he hath purchafed with his own Blood, is com- mitted to them. VIII. An Ambafrador is to keep clofeor ex aaly to his lnflru&ions, or to the Words of his Commillion, not to add to it, alter it, or diminifh from it, on pain of incurring his Prince's higheft Difpleafure ; fo mull Chrift's Ambafiadors keep clofe to their Commìflion ; Add thou not to kris Word, leafl he reprove thee, and thou art found a Lyar ; they muff deliver their whole Mefl'age : There is a Curfe pro- nounced to him that adds or diminifheth. 1. They muff inall things exalt Jefiis Chrift, or feek the Honour alone of their Blelfed So- vereign : Thewholeof their Work is to mag- nifie Chriff, exalt Chrift ; To Preach Chafe the Lord,