Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

e ctoonnant of PPacc epziic , 175 to accept of that Peacehehas made for us : By the Blood of thy Covenant I have t nt out the Prifoners out of the Pit, wherein there was no I'Fa- ter. My Brethren, the Covenant of Peace from 'hence appeàrs to be the Covenant of Grace, it was with Chia for us on hard Conditions, .but to us in him, onlyby wayof Free Promife. IV. That this Covenant is the Covenant of Grace, appears not only becaufe it is wholly, or alone of Grace that we are brought into the Covenant, but alto becaufe by God's Free Gracewe are kept in. this Covenant, or pre- ferved in a State of Peace with Godunto the end : They (hall not depart fromme ; my Sheep hear my Voice, and they follow me, and Igive unto themEternal Life and they fhall never Job.ió. 28 perfh. V. But to proceed, 'l is the Covenant of Grace in. oppofition to theLaw, the Inheri Lance is not of the Law. (T.) For ifthey which are of the Law be Heirs, Faith is made void, and the Promife made of gone effefa. Again, faith Paul, For if the Inheritance be of the Law, it is no Gal. 3.18. more of Promife, but God gave it to Abraham b Promife. What is the Inheritance but God h felf, in the Covenant, &c. and this is not y our Obedience to the Law, but by Chrift's Obedience thereto : 'Tis not, myBrethren, by our Obedience to any Law, not to the Gofpel as a Law, for that would tend as much tomake the Promife of God void, as the other : For had Gai.3.2t . there been a Lawgiven that couldhavegiven Life, verily Righteoufnef fhould have beenby the Law; And then alto Chrift is dead in vain, Ga1.2.21 (2')