Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

key. a7. 16, i7. DÍfpiap of eio/tGugi (2541CQ : Or, he come whofe right it tis, viz. our Lord Jefus Chrift, and it 'hall be given unto him. Things look abroad as if we may expea a Religious War, and fuch an one doubtlefs, will be produced when God puts it into the hearts of the Yen Kings (or forre of them) to hate the Whore. So that from the whole we may ex- pea God will yet take Peace from the. Earth, tho bleffed be his Name, we enjoy a little re- pofe at this time. But what may fuch Princes and People expe&, who having got Peace from abroad, continue, or raife an Open War againff the Lord and his People at Home; nay, film their Rage and Malice (more fir.ce) in perfe- cuting them than before. Oh ! That all of us may be furred up to cry to the Lord mightily for thofe poorPeople,and againft their Enemies, as they are Foes and Oppofers, and make War againft the Lamb, and thofe that follow him : Thefe things tend to caufe me to conclude that the Prefent Peace in the Diropean World may not Taft long. ï\ly B -ethren, Peace made between King- doms and Nations may foon be broken or re- moved : But there is a Peace which being made 'hall be hating, and never be removed : And this brings me to the Words of my Text : For the Mountainsmall depart, and the Bills be removed, but my kindnefs 'hall not depart from thee, neither mall the Covenant of my Peace be removed, faith the Lord that hath mercy on thee The