Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

Elie' oibeumt of puceOpenct'. Rivers of Oil, nor the fruit of the Body. I fay none of thefe could atone for the Sin of the Souls or makeour Peace with God. It is not enough for a Man to fay, he will fin no more, for he bath finned, and ftands obliged to God to pay Ten Thoufand Talents, and yet bath not one Farthing to repay ; neither will God forgive one Rebel or any Debter the lean Mite, as a fimple of of Mercy, but doth require a Full Satisfaftion for the whole Debt. Moreover , Man is both a Debter and a Criminal. VI. Propoftion, That God prefenteth him- COcern-, felf not as an unreconcilable Enemy, for tho irg God's he be yuft, yet he is gracious ; Mercy and fovereign Goodnefs are a like glorious Attributes, or Pro: in the dif , p perties of his Nature, as Yutice, Holinefs, Girá ace Yet the Difplay of his Favour, Love, Mercy and Goodnefs, ought to be considered with refpea had to his abfolute Sovereignty. He was, my Brethren, No more obliged to inag- nifie his Mercy in a Surety and Saviour to Mankind, than he was to the Fallen Angels; he had not been unjuft if all Adam's Poficrity had been call into Hell, and not one Soul Pa- ved ; as he is not unjuft in throwing all the fallen Angels into Hell for ever, without affording one of them any Relief, Redemption, or hope of Recovery; neither is he obliged to fave the whole Lump of Mankind, either in a way of Juftice or Mercy, becaufe he is pleafed to fave a remnant of them. God was at the libertyof his Will whether he would make this World or not ; it was, I mean, the only Aa of his