Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

efje Cobettant of Prue epedteD. 2 r Works, but according to his own Purpofe andGrace, which was given to us in Chrift before the World 7ám."9 began. The whole Contrivance, Foundation and Rife of thiCovenant of Peace, is of love, and Grace ; Neither do we 'receive any Grace fromGod in Time, but as it refults from the. Covenant of Peace made with us in Chrit he fore all Time ; But this I purpofe to enlarge upon further when I come toopen the nature ofthe Covenant. Propo ition VIII.. And as the Covenant of Peace is the Govenant of Grace ; fo it refults from God as an aft of 'Infinite Mercy ; It is therefore a merciful Covenant ; it was not made with-Alan confidered in his State of In-4 nocency ; for Man, as fo confidered, could not be the Objeei of God's Mercy ; for tho God appeared verygood and gracious to us in our Firm Creation,. and as we came out of his Hands, and that many ways ; Yet filch was our Happy State, that we (Food then in no needof Mercy ; for where Mercy is (hewed, .it is to filch that are in Mifery ; but before Man fell he knew no Mifery, Pain or Sorrow ; but when God firft ca(F his Eyes upon us, and en- tered into this Covenant of Peace with his own Son for us, he faw us lie in our Blond, and fallen under, his Divine Wratk and -An- ger ; and this indeed the very name òf..the Coy venant of Peace Both import : There was no need of Peace had there not been a War, or a fearful Breach between God and us ; and that this Covenant refults from God's great Mercy, read again my Text, Saith Phe . Lord C 3 that