Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

tCbe Coberzattí of PrateOperteb. 33 cally one, and fo be glorified, a.s it is due tome, as the Hire or Rewardof my Work. IV. If any ask when this Covena.nt or holy The cove, Compaawas made, I toldyou, and fay again, nant of it bears Date from Eternity, or before thePeacevas World began, when we had (as I faidbefore) In/de fr°.' no Exiftence but only in the Eternal Decree 4115ternitj and Purpofe of God. Moreover, Remember this Covenant was made with Chrift for us, an.d in himwith us, for all that Grace which is given to us in time, was promifed unto us in Chrift, nay given to us in Chrift from E- ternity, 2 Tina. 1. 9. rit. t ,2,3. as our Surety, As to the fpecial and particnlar Articles agreed upon, on which the Covenant of Peace was made and concluded, I fhall open them under the next Head of Difcourfe. V. Commonly in all Treaties, or Cove- chrift of the coz this Covenant yet his Work as Mediator, ,F greatly differs from the Work and Office Ore all .other Mediators, as I might make it ap- ep ace. pear : For Chrift is not only Mediator ofthe Covenant, but Surety, Meirenger and Tefl'ator of it alfo And as he is confidered Mediator, he is invefted with a Threefold Office more particularly, which Offices he faithfully exe- cuteth in order to the makingour Peace with God, in reconcilingGod. to us, and us toGod, which I purpofe to treat of and open in or- der, The