Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C 138 3' " Writings, debated and difcùffed. Yet " all this while it was perceived, that cc their C'ourte was dangerous, and ve- " ry popular; as, becaufe ¶apif rywas " odious, therefore it was ever in their Mouths, that they fought topurge " theChurch from the .Relickks of Pa- " pifiry; a thing acceptable to the Teo- ple, who love ever to run from one " extream to mother. " Becaufe Multitude of Rogues, and " Povertywas anEye-fore, and a Dif- " like to every Man ; therefore they " put into the People's Head, that if cc Difciplinewereplanted, there h:ould be no Vagabonds nor. Beggars, a thing " very plaucfible ; and in like manner " they promifèd the People many of " the impoble Wonders of their .vif " cipline ; betides, they open'd to the Peoplea way toGovernment,, bytheir " confijtory and Presbytery ; a Thing, " tho, in Confequence, no lets preju- " dicial to the Liberties of private " Men, than to the Sovereignty of Prin- " ces ; yet, in firft Shew, very popular. " Neverthelefs This, except it were in " tome few that enter'd into extream " contempt, was borne with, becaufe " they pretended, in dutiful manner, " to make Propofitions, and to leave it cc to