Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[139] `c to the Providence of God, and the " Authority of the Magiftrate. " But now, of late Years, when " there ií ued from them that affirm'd, " the Content of the Magiflrate was cc not to be attended ; when, under a " Pretence of a Confeffion, to avoid " Slander and Imputations, they con- cc bin'd themfelves by ClaffÌes andSub- " fcriptions ; when they defcended to " that vile and bafe Means of defacing " the Government of the church, by " ridiculous Pafquils ; when they be- " gun to make many Subjects in doubt, to take Oaths, which is one of the cc fundamental Parts of Juftice in this " Land, and in all Places; when they " beganboth to vaunt of their Strength " and the Number of their Partifczns " and Followers, and to ufe Commina- " tions that their Cauf would prevail, " thro' Uproar and Violence; then it cc appeared to be no more Zeal, no " more Confcience, but meer Faction " andDivifan ; and therefore, tho' the " State Were compell'd to hold forne- " what a harder Hand, to reftrain them, " thanbefore, yet was it with atgreat " Moderation as the Peace of the State " Or Church would permitAs things " themfelves alter'd, the Queen ap- ply'd her religious Wifdom to Me- *' thous