Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

01411 " able to many Perfons, yet not know- " ingly to injure any one, and leaft of " all thofe of Magdalen College ; I " cannot therefore but the more won- " der at the turbulent Genius which in- " fpires tholefactiousPuritans, fo that, " violating the Laws of Gratitude, de- " fpifingmy Letters and Prayers, difre- " garding the Intercefion of the Prefi- " dent himfelf, without any previous " Admonition, or affigning any Caufe, " they have exercifed fo great Tyran- " ny againft me and my Son. Were I " one who, like them, would be vio- " lently outrageous againft Bilhops and " Archbishops, or joinmyfelfwith them, " that is, would become mad, as they . " are, I had not met with this fevere 'c` Treatment. Now becaufe, quite dif- " ferent from them, I have chofe the " Side of Mode/ly and publick Tran- " quillity, mihi admirationi habetur, quis tam turbulentus Genius faolioja ilia Puritanorum capita effaverit, ut tic viclatis gra- tiarum legibus, fpretis mets ad fe literis & precibus, con- templa ipfius prxtìdis interceffionc, nulla pr emifïà admoni- tione, nec cauta reddita, tantam hanc in me, fi iumque ty- rannidem exercuerint Quod fi enim is effem, qui perbacchari cum cis contra Epifcopos & ArchiEpifcopos, aut fcribam me præbere illorum ordini, hoc eft, infanire cum illis voluiffem, nunquam iftos in me aculeos exacuif- tent. Nunc quia totus ab its alienus, partes ìllas fedìari ma- luerim, cummodeltia; funt, & publicatranguillitatis, hinc odi- um in me conceptum jamdiu, in hanc demum effervuit acerbitatem. Quod cum ita fit, non jam quid mea cauta vetitis facere, id poflulo, quit) potius quid vefira ipforum 4a1fr g