Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

Lc Ce Le Ce Cg CC eL Ce ee CC Cc 142 guillity, hence the Hatred theyhave a long time conceived fi again, one, is, at laít, grown to this Degree of Bit- ternefs. As this is the Cafe, I do not fo much ask what you will do on my Account, as what is to be thought of for your own fakes ; you, who are Prelates ofthe Church, again and again confider. As to myfelf, tho' the taking away the Fellowfhip frommy Son is a great Aflfióion to me, yet, becaufe this is only a pri- vate Concern, I bear it with more Moderation ; I ammuch more mov- ed upon Account of the Church, which is public. I perceive :a certain Race of Men rifing up, who, if they íhould increafe and gather Strength in this Kingdom, I am furry to fay what Diflurbance I forefee :mull folm caufacogitandum fit; vos, qui proceres eil!is ecclefiæ etiam arque etiam deliberate. Quad ad me auteur attinet, quam -- vis erepta filio focietas baud leni afficit animurn negritudine, tarnen quia res privata agitur, hoc fero moderatiùs. Magis me commovet publica Ecclefie ratio. Video enim fuboriri quoddam hominum genus, qui fi invalefcant, virefque in hoc "regno colligant, piget hie referre, quid futura perturbationis pra fagit mihi animus. Olim fub ZVaonachorum fucata Hypocrif, quanta fit nata lues Religioni Cbriftianæ, minimé ignorar prudentia tua. Nunc in ills nefeio quod novumMonacho- rum genus revivifcere videtur, tanto illis perniciofius, quanto calidiore fallendi artificio, fub pratextu perfeEÜonis perfonati Huriones gravius occultant venenum, qui dum omnia exigunt adfiriiiiiimafoe d jcipli»æ, ót confcientiae gnomo- nes, baud videntur prius áettìuri, doncc omnia in Judaicam redigant Servitutem, 6C low