Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

7 1 other, and help the Papifls to triumph over them all? The two Dingdoms of England and Scotland are happily united ; each Per- fuafi.on has the Advantage of a publick Eflablithrnent, with a Toleration to thofe that refpeively differ from it. But this, it feems, is not fuficient; no- thing but the Introduction of the Gene- va Plan, or fomething like it, thro' the whole united Kingdom, can give full Satisfadion. To acçomplith this Defign, Mr. N. has taken much Pains to reprefent the Church of England as founded in Violence and &oodfhed, its Conflitution contrary to the Word of God, and invading Chriftian Liberty; and, to the great Joy, no doubt, of Papilis, thews much Difpleafure againft almoft every thing done at the Refor- mation, and very feverely treats the Memory of the great and worthy In- Iruments of it. The taking away the fuperfluous Popi-fh Furniture and Vefl- ments, which, according to his own Principles, hadbeen abufed to Idolatry, and were a Profanation of the Ch.rifli- an Worth.ip, he exprefsly calls by no better Name than the Papifis give it,N'r Ilia. Sacrilege, or Ch arch-theft ; and cen-p' 77' flues the Proceeding in Parliament, ac-vrd. Burn. cording to the Advice of pious Prote- x.a. vai. IT. B 33o.Appe».