Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

N's Hift. P. 139. [ 8 fiat Exiles, to eftabliíh the Protc 1ant Religion, for not having the Confent of a Popi/h Convocation. " Heath, " fayshe, [QueenMary's] Archbiíhop of cc `fork made an elegant Speech againfi: the Aft of Uniformity of Common " Prayer and Service in the Church, " and Adminifiration of the Sacra- " ments ; in which , among other " things, he obferves VERY JUSTLY, " that an AC of this Confequence " ought to have had the Confent ofthe " [then Popiíh] Clergy in Convoca- " tion, before it pafs'd into aLaw." On the contrary, this Gentleman introdu- ces the Patrons of the Geneva Model, as Perfons zealous for Chriftian Liber- ty, that were only defirous of (hewing a greater Regard to Scripture, promot- ing a purer Reformation, a holy Difci- pline, &c. Thus while he defcribes one as exceeding bad, the other ex- treamly good, what is the natural In- ference from all this, but that the cor- rupt Church fhould be abolifh'd, and a pure one plac'd in its room, by all who hate Perfecution, regard the Laws of Chrift, or value Chriftian Liberty? Tho' many wife and moderate Men think it an Unhappinefs to have this Controverfy revived at this Junóture ; yet, if it (hall appear, that Mr. N's Hifto!