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143 " low from it. Your Prudence is not ignorant how much the Chriftian Re- " ligion fuffered formerly by the Dif r- " mulation andHypocrify of theMonks. " At prefent, in thefe Men, I knownot " what new fart of Monks feems to re- .' vive, fo much the more pernicious than the former, as with more fubtle Artifices of deceiving, under Pretence " of Perfe&ion, like Stage-Players, who " only ad a Part, they conceal a more " dangerous Poifon ; who, while they fL require every thing to be formed ac- " cording to the Rules of their own " firiUDifcipline and Confcience, will " not defift, till they have brought all " things into jewifbBondage. Upon this Letter, Mr. Fuller bids us Ibid. p. 107; remark the " Violence of rigidMon- " conformifis .° We may plainly per- " ceive (lays be) by this Letter, how " powerful theParty ofMon-conformilis `` was grown at this time, and to what Volences and Extravagances fome `` went in their Praóices ; infomuch, `` that Dr. Humphreys, then Prefident dd of Magdalen, and Mr. Fox himfelf dd (both which fcrupled Subfcription in " fome Particulars) were deferted by cc them, as lukewarm and remifs in the di Caufe,." Mr. Fuller preferved this Ibide p, ios. Letterof Mr. Fox, " to thew, that tho' "Mr. Fox