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178 Perfons young in Tear's, but over " young in Soundnefs of Learning and Difcretion, who, according to their cc own Imaginations and Conceits, and not according to the publick Order cc eftablithed by Law, have not only " inthe common Servicesofthe Church, " and in the Adminiftration of the Sa- cc craments, made fundry Alterations ; c but alfo, by their Example and " Teaching, have inticed their Parochi- " ans, and their Auditories, being her cc Majefty's Subjeá`ts, to conceive erro- neous Opinions; in condemning the cc whole Government of the Church, " and Order Ecclefaftical; and in mov- c` ing her Majefty's good Subjets to " think it a Burthen of Confcience to " obferve the Orders and Rites of the " Church, eftabliihed by Law; a Mat- " ter pernicious to the State of Govern- " ment." 'Tis needlefs to detain the Reader any longer upon this Head. What has been already faid, from the molt unexceptionable Authorities, will be fufficient at once to thew the unquiet Behaviour of the Puritans, and the great Patience and Clemency of the Bifhops and Government towards them. As for the laft Particular, Mr. N's own Acknowledgment, that two and twenty Tears after the ,Queen's Letter and the 4dverr.