Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

1'79J .Advertifements were publifhed, above Five Hundred Puritans were left Be- neficed in theChurch, and among them the molt aóive and zealous of the Par- ty, is fufficient Evidence of the great Lenity and Indulgence they met with from their Superiors. Thè Reader will pleafe to recollea, that Queen Elizabeth fix'd upon the mof} effectual Method to introduce and eftablifh the Reform'd Religion in her Dominions ; that the fhew'd great Cle- mency. and Indulgence to thofe who did not obferve the Laws, good Ufages, and Ordinances of the Realm, and fuffer'd .great Numbers of them to en- joy Preferments in the Church, not- withilanding .. their Non -Compliance. That the Diflurbance and Tumults rais'd in theKingdom occafion'd her re- quiring a firiäer Obfervance of the Law. If any were fufpended for a Time, or totally deprived of their Pre- ferments, 'twas for want of Compliance with the Conditions upon which thofe Preferments were granted; nor did they fuffer thus much, till the Tiforders rais'd by their Means in the Nation made it neceffary thus to inquire into their Condut, and proceed as the Safe- ty of the Publick required. This was no more than a neceffary Means to pre- N z ferve