Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[183] to excite the Papifts in England `` againft the Queen, which he did ef- `` fedually ; and p:revail.'d alfo upon " fome Protellanslt ed the and1Df- " Tome out of private Hatr " affetednefs, and OTHERS aJeeling " Innovation." And what plainly thews the Papi/ls had a great Hand in thefe Difturbances and Contentions is, that we always find they rofe higheft, when the Nation was to be attack'd from abroad, that it might at fuch a Jun- lure be weaken'el by violent 97ivifons at home. This Mr. Cambelen juftly ob- Cambden's ferves in his Annals ofQ. Elizabeth. A Ann , 9s8. farther Confirmationof this Matter we have from no lefs Man than SirW. Cecil. Upon thefe domeftick Broils amongStrype's Lfe. " Proteftants, the Papifls under Dif-°f Parker,. " guife, fell foul upon theEnglehLitur-p' 244" 'C gy, and combin'd with the Puritans, " in defacing the common Service ufed in our Churches. Sir W. Cecil, the `` wife Secretary of State, kept a Me- cc morial Book or Journal, wherein " he writ Matters that occurr'd, whence cc thefe Words wereextracted. In thefe 1767. Days, Men began to (peak againft the Reformed Prayers, eflablehed ,Aft by King EdwardVI. and his `Parliament; andVince by her Majefly and her Par liasnent Upon which açcount, Divers. N . Papifts