Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 184 Papifts difguifedly (poke as BITTERLY again/l the Reformed Prayers of the Church, as thole then called Puritans did. After this follows a long and particular Account of Faithful Cum min, a Dominican Fiyar, who appear'd in the Shape of a molt zealous Puritan, endeavour'd for a purer Church, preach'd againft let Forms of Prayer, and call'd the Englifh Prayer Engli/h Mafs, and made the Church of England as odious to the People whom he inftruded, as Mafs was to the Church of England. Being difco- vered, he privately withdrew, and the Pope rewarded him with 2000 Ducats. LifeofWhit- In Mr. Stry e we have an Account of et, p. 36 the Principles upon which both Parties proceeded againft the Church, which, for the greater .Éxaánefs, are here taken from the - Author he quotes. Thefe Admonitioners flatly join'd " with the Papifls, and with the felf " fame Affertions bended their Force " againft this Church of England. For " firft, the Papifts affirmwe are not the " true Church ; no, that we had not " fo much as the outward Face and " Shew of a true Church. And fo did " thefe Men, almoft in flat and plain cc Terms. Secondly, The Papifts fay, cc that we had no Miniftry, no Biíhops, cc no