Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

40 J ing Declarations : " For the Articles concerning theSubftance of 7 otrine cc ufing a Godly Interpretation, in a " Point or two, which are either too cc fparely, or elfe too darkly fet down, we are, and are ready according to " Duty, to fubfcribe unto them." For this, and other the like Reafons, Mr. N. gives them the Character of being zealous Calvinifis and Mr. Fuller Fuller 46. 9+ obferves, " force have unjuflly taxed P. 72' " the Compofers for too much Favour cc extended in their large Expreßions, cc clean thro' the Contexture of thefe " Articles which were penn'd in cc cornprehenfave Words, to take in all cc who dfering in the Branches meet cc in the Root of the fame Religion." That the Articles of the Church of England are 'fö fparely fet down as not to countenance the fevereft No- tions of zealous Calvinifts, is certainly true, and has been often proved, but efpecially by a late.judicious, learned and moderate Writer, in a Piece, in- tituled, An Apology for the Church of England ; printed for E. Widwinter in St. Paul's Church-Yard. This Gentle- man has íhewn, beyond all Contra- diction, that the Articles were com- piled with a Latitude, thatfairly ad- mits a Subfeription from thefe of the SentiT