Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 41 3 Sentiments of Arminius, as well as Calvin, Fie obferves, that among the Compilers, there were feveral Anti, Calvinians ; and, as thofe who compil- ed the Articles were not all Calvinifts themfelves, fo they were very far from defigning to frame Articles upon the rigid Calviniftic Notions. That as thefe Reformers were known to be Men of Temper, Prudence and Moderation, 'tis but Juftice to fuppofe, that in Points fo nice and intricate, they intended fuck a Latitude as would admit Sub- fcription, bymoderate Perfons, of what is nowcalled the Arminian, as well as of the Calviniftic Opinion. This Tem- per, fo agreeable to the general Prin- ciples upon which the Church of Eng- landwas eftablifhed, they likewife ob- ferved, with refpet to the Article of Chrift's _`Defcent into Hell ; for tho there are feveral Opinions about it, yet they have not fpecially determined which is the true one ; and were par- ticularly careful in the Review of the Articles, to f}rike out that Paffage, which decided upon the Point. That, as the fuppofing the Articles left in medio, between moderate and rigid CALVINISTS does not make them ufe- lefs fo neither does the leaving them n medio, between moderate Armini- ans