Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 78 " Pofors; astheformerSuperjiitionhad " made of their Faith andConfcience to " them. So it being refolved to bring " the whole Worthip of God under " fet Forms ; they fet one general " Rule to themfelves (which they of " terwards declared) of changing no- " thing for Novelty Sake, or meerly " becaufe it had been formerly ufed. " They refolved to retain fuch Things " asthe primitive Church had pratif- " ed, cutting of fuch Abufes as the " latter Ages had grafted on them, " and tocontinue the Ufe offuch other " Things, which, tho' they had been " brought in not fo early, yet were of " good Ufe to beget Devotion ; and " were fo much recommended to the " People by the Praóice ofthem, that " the laying thefe afide would perhaps " have alienated them from the other. " Changes they made ; and, therefore, " they refolved to make no Change, " without very goodand weighty Rea- " fon. In which they confider'd the " Practice of our Saviour ; who did " not only comply with the Rites of " Judaifm himfelf, but even the Pray- " er he gave to his Difciples wasfram- " ed according to their Forms ; and " his two great Inflitutions ofBaptif " and theEucharifl, did confia ofRites " that